Difference between revisions of "Config documentation"

From RRU Knowledge Base
Line 343: Line 343:
*<code>SlugTime</code> – ?????{{verify}}
*<code>SlugTime</code> – ?????{{verify}}
*<code>InitialSlugTime</code> – ?????{{verify}}
*<code>InitialSlugTime</code> – ?????{{verify}}
BoulderAnimation Lava
NoMultiSelect TRUE
NoAutoEat TRUE
DisableToolTipSound TRUE
SelBoxHeight 10
FogColourRGB 149:29:1 ;Lava Fog
HighFogColourRGB 190:60:0 ;Lava Fog
SurfaceMap Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\High_M01.map
PredugMap Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\Dugg_M01.map
TerrainMap Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\Surf_M01.map
BlockPointersMap Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\Tuto_M01.map
CryOreMap Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\Cryo_M01.map
PathMap Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\Path_M01.map
TextureSet Textures::Lava
RockFallStyle Lava
EmergeCreature MonsterRock
SafeCaverns TRUE
SeeThroughWalls TRUE
OListFile Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\M01.ol
PTLFile Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\M01.ptl
NERPFile Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\M01.npl
NERPMessageFile Levels\TutorialLevels\MoveTuto_01\M01.txt
ObjectiveText Languages\ObjectiveText.txt
ObjectiveImage640x480 Interface\BriefingPanel\BriefingPanel.bmp,76,100
NextLevel Levels::Tutorial02
LevelLinks Levels::Tutorial02
FrontEndX 101
FrontEndY 113
FrontEndOpen TRUE
MenuBMP Levels\TutorialLevels\Tutorial01.bmp,Levels\TutorialLevels\GTutorial01.bmp,Levels\TutorialLevels\Tutorial01G.bmp
Priorities {
AI_Priority_Train TRUE
AI_Priority_GetIn TRUE
AI_Priority_Crystal TRUE
AI_Priority_Ore TRUE
AI_Priority_Repair TRUE
AI_Priority_Clearing TRUE
AI_Priority_Destruction TRUE
AI_Priority_Construction TRUE
AI_Priority_Reinforce TRUE
AI_Priority_Recharge TRUE
AllowRename TRUE
RecallOLObjects TRUE
GenerateSpiders TRUE
Video Avi\mbats.avi
; Amount of time before an emerge trigger can be reused.  1500 specifies 1 minute.
EmergeTimeOut 2500.0
;;;;; SURFACE TYPE ;;;;;
BoulderAnimation ROCK
MenuBMP Levels\GameLevels\Level01.bmp,Levels\GameLevels\GLevel01.bmp,Levels\GameLevels\Level01G.bmp
TextureSet Textures::Rock
RockFallStyle Rock
EmergeCreature MonsterRock
;;;;; SURFACE TYPE ;;;;;
BlockSize 40
DigDepth 40
RoughLevel 6
RoofHeight 40
UseRoof YES
SelBoxHeight 10
FogColourRGB 110:110:155 // ROCK FOG
HighFogColourRGB 155:155:110 // ROCK FOG
BlockPointersMap Levels\GameLevels\Level01\Tuto_01.map
CryoreMap Levels\GameLevels\Level01\Cror_01.map
SurfaceMap Levels\GameLevels\Level01\High_01.map
PredugMap Levels\GameLevels\Level01\Dugg_01.map
TerrainMap Levels\GameLevels\Level01\Surf_01.map
PathMap Levels\GameLevels\Level01\Path_01.map
SafeCaverns TRUE
OListFile Levels\GameLevels\Level01\01.ol
PTLFile Levels\GameLevels\Level01\01.ptl
ObjectiveText Languages\ObjectiveText.txt
ObjectiveImage640x480 Interface\BriefingPanel\BriefingPanel.bmp,76,100
NERPFile Levels\GameLevels\Level01\01.npl
NERPMessageFile Levels\GameLevels\Level01\01.txt
NextLevel Levels::Level05
LevelLinks Levels::Level05,Levels::Level03
FrontEndX 265
FrontEndY 475
FrontEndOpen TRUE
Priorities {
AI_Priority_Crystal TRUE
AI_Priority_Destruction TRUE
AI_Priority_Clearing TRUE
AI_Priority_Ore TRUE
AI_Priority_Repair TRUE
AI_Priority_GetIn TRUE
AI_Priority_Construction TRUE
AI_Priority_Reinforce TRUE
AI_Priority_GetTool TRUE
AI_Priority_Train TRUE
AI_Priority_Recharge TRUE
Reward {
Enable TRUE
Modifier 2
Importance {
Crystals 60
Timer 20
Oxygen 10
Caverns 10
Quota {
Crystals 5
Timer 900
Caverns 1
==LegoRR* {}==
This denotes the name and location of the image for the mission briefing panel.
This denotes the name and location of the image that is used in the place of a save image for an unused slot.
If this is set to TRUE, then the rewards screen will be shown by default.
This denotes the name and location of the image (before scores are given) of the rewards screen.
This section denotes the name and location the flic animation of the captain giving the score.
This denotes how fast the player can scroll up and down the rewards screen.  By default this is set to 0.0 resulting in a fixed image.
If this is set to TRUE (set to FALSE by default), the text in the rewards screen will be centered.
This denotes the name and location of the final score font image.
This denotes the name and location of the font image for the majority of the text.
This denotes the name and location of the title font image.
This denotes the time delay between each award given.
This denotes the name and location of all the images used for the Save Button.
This denotes the name and location of all the images used for the Advance Button.
This denotes the text used in the Mission Completed title.
This denotes the text used in the Mission Failed title.
This denotes the text used in the Mission Quit (incompleted) title.
This denotes the (x,y) position of the rewards page title.
This section denotes the names and locations of the images corresponding to each award during the rewards screen, as well as their (x,y) location.
This section denotes the names and locations of the text that appear for each award, as well as their (x,y) location.
This section denotes the names and locations of extra boxed images corresponding to each award during the rewards screen, as well as their (x,y) location.
This section denotes the names and locations of the font images used for the text in each award.
This denotes the name and location of the default images used for levels (highlighted, unhighlighted, and unavailable).
This denotes the location of all the files related to the main menu background.
This denotes the default Mission Completed message on the levels page.
This denotes the default Mission Uncompleted message on the levels page.
This section denotes the text related to the overwrite saved game prompt.
This section denotes all the information regarding the save slots.
This section denotes all the other information regarding the Save Game page.
This section denotes all the information regarding the small text window on the levels page.
==General Menu Settings==
''(These settings can be used any menu section.  This includes all the menus under PausedMenu, SaveMenu, MainMenuFull, OptionsMenu)''
This denotes the number of sub-menus in this menu class.
This denotes the text that the menu is referred to while being selected.
This denotes the text that the menu is referred to on the menu itself.
This denotes the (x,y) position of the window.
This denotes the name and location of the font image used for the descriptive (non-interactive) texts of the menu.
This denotes the name and location of the font image used for the unhighlighted texts of the menu.
This denotes the name and location of the font image used for the highlighted texts of the menu.
This denotes the number of interactive options available on the menu.
This denotes the name and location of the image used for the menu.
This denotes whether all the text in the menu is centered by default.
If this is set to FALSE, the title will not be shown on the menu.
If this is set to TRUE, random animations will play in the background.  This is only relevant if there are !Overlays being used.
*'''!Overlay1, !Overlay2, etc.'''
This denotes the name and location of a flic animation used in the background.
Allows the ability for the window to scroll up/down based apon the mouse position like that of the mission menu. The scrolling limitation depends on the size of the background image of the menu. Menus can only be scrolled vertically.
*'''Item1, Item2, etc.'''
This denotes the different items available on the menu.  This includes the type of item, various setting values available for that type of item, and any images associated with that item.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the main paused menu.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the options menu (from the paused window).
This section denotes all the menu settings for the quit mission prompt window.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the restart mission prompt window.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the advanced options menu.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the Load a Saved Game Menu (from the paused window).
This section denotes all the menu settings for the main menu (the FrontEnd).
This section denotes all the menu settings for the levels/missions menu.  (The organization of the individual levels is done elsewhere in the levels section)
This section denotes all the menu settings for the tutorial levels menu.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the Load a Saved Game Menu (from the Main Menu).
This section denotes all the menu settings for the quit game prompt window.
This section denotes all the menu settings for the options menu (from the options button).
This denotes the name and location of the image used for the help window.
This denotes the dimensions of the window.
This denotes the message received when the player unlocks the ability to construct a new [[Building]].
This denotes the message received when the player unlocks the ability to teleport down a new [[Vehicle]].
This denotes the message received when the player unlocks the ability to construct and transport a new [[Power Path]] or [[Electric Fence]].  ([[?]])
This denotes the name and location of the continue button the help window.
This denotes the name and location of the close button on the help window.
This section denotes the various text messages that appear in the help window upon unlocking things like [[Buildings]] and [[Vehicles]].  (The "L#" notation refers to the upgrade level, L0 being unupgraded).
This section denotes all the text relating to tooltips.
This section denotes the text names of each [[Mining Tool|Tool]].
This section denotes the text names and associated audio names of each [[Ground Type]] and [[Rock Type]] (as well as [[Hidden Caverns]]).
This denotes the (x,y) offset of the health bar on the object info panel (the panel that appears next to [[Rock Raider|Rock Raiders]] when you press spacebar).
This denotes the width and height of the health bar.
This denotes the RGB color of the health bar's border.
This denotes the RGB color of the "background" color of the health bar, which appears when health starts depleting (the default is red).
This denotes the RGB color of the health bar that indicates how much health is remaining (the default is green).
If this is set to TRUE, the health bar will be vertical instead of horizontal.  It is not known whether this still works and is commented out by default. ([[?]])
This denotes the (x,y) offset of the hunger level icon on the object info panel.
This denotes the (x,y) offset of the upgrade icon on the object info panel.  (This is no longer used).
This denotes the (x,y) offset of the thought bubble image and icon.
This section denotes the name and location of the images used in the hunger level icon (empty, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%).
This section denotes the name and location of the images used for the upgrade level icon.  (This is no longer used).
This denotes the maximum percent change in red, green, and blue that the player's pointer light can "blink."  Blinks are instantaneous changes in luminosity of the light source.
This denotes the maximum percent change in luminosity that the pointer light can blink.
This denotes the range of time delays between blinks.  (Default is between 1-4 seconds)
This denotes the minimum percentage dimming that the pointer light can "fade."  Fades are more gradual fluctuations in the luminosity of the source.
This denotes the maximum percentage dimming that the pointer light can fade.
This denotes the range of time delays between fades.
This denotes the range of time intervals that fades can transition in.
This denotes the range of time intervals that fades hold before transitioning back to normal luminosity.
This denotes the range of time delays between "moves."  Moves are where the source of the light itself wobbles around.
This denotes the range of speeds that the light source will have during moves.
This denotes the range of distances that the light source will wobble in any particular move.
This denotes the maximum distance the light source can vary from the default location.
This section denotes the name and location of various images used for the player's pointer/cursor.
This section denotes the name and location of images used for the buttons on the in-game's side menu.
This section denotes the name and location of images used for the buttons on the in-game's teleport and build submenu.
This section denotes the name and location of images used for various minor in-game panels.
This section denotes the name and location of images used for the [[Priorities]] menu.
This section denotes the (x,y) position of each priority image.
This section denotes the name and location of various [[Object]] animation files.
This section denotes the name and location of images used for thought bubbles.
This section denotes the name and location of the animation files used for [[Land Slides]] and [[Cave-Ins]].
This denotes the x position of the camera rotation panel.
This denotes the y position of the camera rotation panel.
This denotes the radius of the camera rotation panel.
*'''LeftImage''', '''RightImage''', '''UpImage''', '''DownImage'''
These denote the name and location of the images used for the upward, downward, leftward, and rightward movement buttons.
This section denotes the name and location of the images used for various in-game panels, such as the [[Radar]] and the [[Energy Crystal]] count.
This section denotes the name and location of the images used for button in the panels mentioned above.
This section denotes various text messages shown in game when holding the pointer over something.
This section denotes various text messages, the name and location of the images, and the SFX used with those text messages.
This long section denotes the name and location of the sound files for the game.  This includes SFXs (action sound effects), SNDs (object sounds), Streams (basic speech), ObjSFXs (spoken object names), TTSFXs (spoken tool tips), IntSFXs (spoken interface messages), SurfaceSFXs (spoken surface names), PriSFXs (spoken priority names), and various other sounds.
This denotes the text message that appears when a [[Rock Raider]], [[Vehicle]], or [[Building]] has been teleported back to the [[LMS Explorer]].
This denotes the text message that appears when a [[Monster]] emerges into the level (not when one awakens).
This denotes the text message that appears when an [[Energy Crystal]] has been found.
This denotes the text message that appears when a [[Building]] has been damaged by a [[Monster]].
This denotes the text message that appears when a [[Land Slide]] occurs.  (This line can be disabled to stop the message by inserting a semi-colon ';' at the start of the line.)
This denotes the text message that appears when power is being drained from a [[Building]] by a [[Slimy Slug]].
This denotes the text message that appears when a Slimy Slug has emerged into the level.
This denotes when a "lost" [[Rock Raider]] has been found in a [[Hidden Cavern]].
This denotes when a [[Rock Monster]] emerges into the level.
This denotes when an [[Ice Monster]] emerges into the level.
This denotes when a [[Lava Monster]] emerges into the level.
This section denotes the various tool tip text titles.
This section denotes the text names of each upgrade level.
This section denotes the name and location of the images used for the blip icons used to show what a [[Rock Raider]] has in his [[Mining Tool|Tool]] inventory and what specialties he has been [[Training Rock Raiders|Trained]] as.
This section denotes the names of various Tool Tip SFX file names.
This section denotes the name and location of the images used for the different [[Terrain]] types.
This section denotes the text names of various [[Objects]].
This section denotes the same names as in ObjectNames, but with a "The" attached to beginning.
This section denotes the name and location of the folders which contain all the files relating to a specific [[Vehicle]].
This section denotes the name and location of the folders which contain all the files relating to different types of Rock Raiders.  There is only one "type" used in the final game by default, which is referred to as the "pilot."
This section denotes the name and location of the folders which contain all the files relating to different types of [[Enemies]], (not just [[Monsters]]).
This section denotes the name and location of the folders which contain all the files relating to [[Buildings]].
This section denotes the name and location of the model files that are attached to base models after particular upgrades.
This section denotes the name and location of the information files used for the in-game encyclopedia.  Since the in-game encyclopedia was cut from the final game, this section is commented out by default.
''(Note that many settings are shared among different entities and different types of entities, although a repetition may not be marked under a certain entity, it could still potentially be usable for it.)''
This section denotes information regarding the [[Rock Raider]] cadet.
*<code>Levels</code> –
This denotes the number of upgrade levels the unit possesses.
This denotes the speed of the unit at various upgrade levels (separated by colons ":")
This denotes the time the unit takes to drill through [[Soil]] at various upgrade levels.=.  (Since soil was removed from the game, this is no longer used).
This denotes the time the unit takes to drill through [[Dirt]] at various upgrade levels.
This denotes the time the unit takes to drill through [[Loose Rock]] at various upgrade levels.
This denotes the time the unit takes to drill through [[Hard Rock]] at various upgrade levels.  (If this is set to 0, the unit cannot drill this rock type).
This denotes the time the unit takes to drill through [[Seams]] at various upgrade levels.
Specific to the [[Rock Raider]]/pilot, this denotes the amount of time it takes to upgrade at various upgrade levels.
This denotes the radius of the collision cylinder when in [[Eye View]] or [[Shoulder View]].
This denotes the height of the collision cylinder when in [[Eye View]] or [[Shoulder View]].
This denotes the height of the [[Camera]] above the object in the camera mode of the [[Radar]].
This denotes the value of health an entity will add onto a [[Building]] at various upgrade levels.  If this is set to a negative value, the entity will instead do damage to the said Object.
This denotes the "Survey Radius" at various upgrade levels, which is how far the [[Radar]] the unit possesses can see.
This denotes the name of the SND file that is heard when the unit drills.
This denotes the name of the SND file that is heard when the unit begins or ceases drilling.
Specific to the [[Rock Raider]]/pilot, this denotes the increment at which the cadet looses food energy.  (This must be between 0 and 1, higher values will have the food energy deplete faster).
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can clear [[Rubble]].  This is only applicable to units that are designed to do so, which include the [[Rock Raider]]/pilot and the [[Loader Dozer]]/Bulldozer, although this line can be added to monsters with an animation for it and they will do it automaticly.
Specific to the [[Rock Raider]]/pilot, this denotes the number of [[Mining Tools]] the cadet can carry at various upgrade levels (the maximum is 5).
Allows a unit to travel on land squares.
This denotes the unit's "Rubble Coefficient," which is the percent of its route speed that moves across [[Rubble]].
This denotes the unit's "Path Coefficient," which is the percent of its route speed that moves across [[Power Paths]].
If this is set to TRUE, then the unit will primarily use buildings designated as a "LegoManTeleporter" (such as the [[Tool Store]], which is by default) to teleport down.
This designates the "Range of Awareness" for the unit.  This is only applicable to units with artificial intelligence, including [[Rock Raider|Rock Raiders]] and [[Enemies]].  To avoid problems, this number should be set to at least 1000.0 (which is the default).
This designates the "Oxygen Coefficient" for the unit, which is the rate that oxygen is added to the level when this unit is present on the level.  (If this number is negative, it will be using up oxygen instead of supplying it).
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can strafe from side to side. neecs more detail
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will access the [[Tool Store]] to deliver or pick up resources.  This is only relevant to units that can access resources, which include [[Rock Raider|Rock Raiders]].
If this is set to TRUE, the health bar will be visible on the unit (the health bar will appear under different circumstances for different units).
This section denotes information regarding the [[Rock Monster]].
This is the range that Rock Raiders will be afraid of the monster.
This designates the increment of health the unit will lose every second.
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can scare [[Rock Raider|Rock Raiders]].
Specific to the three [[Monsters]] (though it might be applicable to [[Rock Raiders]] and vehicles with a [[Cargo Hold]]), this designates the minimum amount of health the unit needs to carry an object.
Specific to the three Monster and [[Slimy Slugs]], this designates the amount of health below which the unit will attempt to escape the level.
Specific to the three Monsters, this designates the radius that the stomp attack will do damage within.
This is the maximum range that a monster can be at to throw a boulder.
This designates whether the unit can consume [[Energy Crystals]].  (This is probably only applicable to the three monsters).
Specific to the three Monsters, if this is set to TRUE, the unit can pick up a [[Rock Raider]] and inflict damage.
This specifies that the monster can damage objects if it physically touches them.
Specific to the three Monsters, if this is set to TRUE, the unit will attempt to destroy [[Power Paths]].
Specific to the three Monsters, if this is set to TRUE, the unit will split and disappear upon reaching 0 health, using the crumble animation.
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will take damage from [[Electric Fences]].
Specific to the three Monsters, this denotes the maximum amount of [[Energy Crystals]] the unit can consume.  This is only relevant if CanSteal is set to TRUE.
Specific to the three Monsters, this denotes the radius within which the unit will awaken when a [[Rock Raider]] passes by if it is in sleep mode.
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will be scared by things that cause loud noises, including [[Dynamite]] and [[Sonic Blasters]].
Specific to the three Monsters, if this is set to TRUE, the unit can turn [[Reinforced Walls]] back into normal walls (such as when a monster escapes through a wall or pulls out a boulder from the wall).
This section denotes information regarding the [[Large Spider]].  (Large Spiders were cut out from the final game, so this is commented out by default).
This section denotes information regarding the [[Small Spider]].
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will move at random.
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will enter walls randomly if any are near.
*<code>CauseSlip</code> – Determines whether a minifigure will slip and fall when they walk through an object's collision radius. The object will die upon being slipped on. Can be set to <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.
*<code>ScaredByPlayer</code> – Determines whether an object will run away when a minifigure walks near it. Can be set to <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will not display damage being taken.
*<code>DontShowOnRadar</code> – Determines whether an object will be shown on the radar panel in map view. Can be set to <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.
This section denotes information regarding [[Bats]].
This denotes the time increments at which the unit changes location.  This is only relevant when RandomMove is set to TRUE.
If this is set to TRUE, this unit will appear in flocks (this may only be applicable to bats).  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
If this is set to TRUE (set to FALSE by default), the animations will be set to the default "lego" animation.  To avoid problems, this should always be set to FALSE.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
If this is set to TRUE, the flock will move about more cohesively.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes the amount of units included in the flock.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes the turning speed of each individual unit.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes the overall speed of the flock as it moves about the cavern (RouteSpeed being the speed of the individual units).  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes how tightly the flock will keep together (in block units).  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes how often in seconds the flock will update their AI goals.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes how random the AI goals are of the flock.  Lower numbers will result in flocks with more persistent goals.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE.
This denotes how high off the ground (in basic units) the flock will fly.  This is only relevant if Flocks is set to TRUE. 
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can move across [[Water]].
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can move across [[Lava]].
This section denotes information regarding [[Snakes]].  (Snakes were removed from the final version of the game, and therefore this section is commented out by default.)
This section denotes information regarding [[Tiny Rock Monsters]].
This section denotes information regarding [[Tiny Ice Monsters]].
This section denotes information regarding [[Scorpions]].  (Scorpions were removed from the final version of the game, and therefore this section is commented out by default.)
This section denotes information regarding [[Slimy Slugs]].
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will scare scorpions.  (Scorpions were removed from final version of the game, so this part isn't really relevant unless scorpions are activated).
If this is set to TRUE, the unit will emerge and retreat through [[Slimy Slug Holes]].
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can drain [[Energy Crystals]] from powered [[Buildings]].
This section denotes information regarding [[Lava Monsters]].
This section denotes information regarding [[Ice Monsters]].
This section denotes information regarding the [[Hover Scout]].  '''Note:''' Upgrade levels for vehicles are arranged by combinations of Carry, Scan, Speed, & Drill upgrades.  By default the Hover Scout has only Scan and Speed upgrades so any upgrade specific values are in the format: <br> ''[No Upgrade]:[No Upgrade]:[Speed UP1]:[Speed UP1]:[Scan UP1]:[Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Scan UP1]''.
If this is set to TRUE, the unit can be driven by a [[Rock Raider]].
If this is set to TRUE, then the unit will primarily use buildings designated as a "SmallTeleporter" (such as the [[Teleport Pad]], which is by default) to teleport down.
This denotes the amount of [[Energy Crystals]] required to teleport/build the unit.
This denotes the amount of [[Ore]] required to make upgrades at various levels/combinations.  This is in a different format then other upgrade specific values, it instead has the format ''[Carry]:[Scan]:[Speed]:[Drill]''.
This denotes the amount of [[Building Studs]] required to make upgrades at various levels/combinations.
The SND file used for the engine sound of a vehicle.
This section denotes information regarding the [[Tunnel Scout]].  By default it has no upgrade levels except the starting level.
This section denotes information regarding the [[Small Mobile Laser Cutter]].  By default it has one [Drill] upgrade.
If this is set to TRUE, the entity can be double-selected in game to activate alternate properties.  This is only used in the default games for entities with mining lasers.
This section denotes information regarding the [[Rapid Rider]].  By default it is set up with two [Speed] upgrades, however, these are not actually used in the game since the vehicle cannot be upgraded.
If this is set to TRUE, then the unit will primarily use buildings designated as a "WaterTeleporter" (such as the [[Docks]], which is by default) to teleport down.
If this is set to TRUE, then a unit can enter the vehicle if it is bordering land.  This is only relevant to drivable entities (CanBeDriven set to TRUE) that cannot cross land (CrossLand not set to TRUE).
If this is set to TRUE, then a unit can exit the vehicle if it is bordering land.  This is only relevant to drivable entities that cannot cross land.  To avoid problems both this and GetInAtLand should be set to TRUE unless rock raiders are capable of crossing lava or water.
If this is set to TRUE, Rock Raiders carrying [[Materials]] will be able to enter the vehicle (with the material they are carrying being stored somewhere on or in the vehicle).
This denotes the maximum amount of carrying capacity an entity possesses, i.e. how many materials it can carry at various upgrade levels.  This is only relevant to to entities that can transport materials.
This section denotes information regarding the [[Small Digger]].  By default it is set up with [Drill], [Speed], and [Scan] upgrades in the format:<br> ''[No Upgrade]:[Drill UP1]:[Speed UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Drill UP1]:[Scan UP1]:[Drill UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1, Drill UP1, & Scan UP1]''
If this is set to TRUE, a vehicle can be carried by vehicle with a [[Large Cargo Hold]] (only the [[Cargo Carrier]] by default).
This section denotes information regarding the [[Small Transport Truck]].  By default it is set up with [Speed], [Carry], and [Scan] upgrades in the format: <br>''[No Upgrade]:[No Upgrade]:[Speed UP1]:[Speed UP1]:[Scan UP1]:[Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Carry UP1]:[Carry UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Carry UP1]:[Speed UP1 & Carry UP1]:[Carry UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Carry UP1 & Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1, Carry UP1, & Scan UP1]:[Speed UP1, Carry UP1, & Scan UP1]''

Revision as of 22:24, 11 March 2018

This article is an unfinished work in progress or contains transferred information that needs to be rewritten or reformatted to fit our standards. Please excuse the mess and do not mark for deletion.

Times are specied as 25.0 units per second.
Units equate to 40 per block in game

This is an extremely WIP page to document the entirety of LEGO Rock Raider's Lego.cfg file.

Should we put the default paths and values for some properties that have a single use, or only for examples of how it works (eg. the one for ProgressBar)?

Main {}

  • TextureUsage – This is a major memory pool in the game, denoting the maximum allowed number of textures allowed present in-game at a time. The default value is 3145728, which allows on the order of 60 Rock Raiders to be teleported at a time (depending on the number of other objects present, though Rock Raiders are the most taxing on the memory). Testing has revealed that changing the value of TextureUsage can cause big changes to the game. Setting its value very high allows for many more objects to be teleported. For instance, aising this to 9567812 allows on the order of 120 Rock Raiders to be teleported at a time. Setting it very low seems to make the game lag a lot, and, everything looks weird. (this doesn't happen to me on Windows 7 AMD so further clarification on how this property works needs to be done by multiple people) Stability of the game in general when changing this value varies between computers of different specifications.

These properties control the credits:

  • CreditsTextFile – Recalls the name and location of the credits file.
  • CreditsBackAVI – Recalls the name and location of the looping stars FMV background that plays during the credits.

These properties control the in-game loading screens:

  • LoadScreen – Recalls the name and path of the loading screen image.
  • ShutdownScreen – Recalls the name and path of the shutdown screen image. However, this screen does not get used when quitting the game, and there appears to be no way to re-enable it, making this property useless.
  • ProgressBar – Recalls the name and path of the colored bar image displayed on the loading screen to denote loading progress at the start of the game and of levels.
  • ProgressWindow – Sets the X and Y coordinates of the progress bar from its top-left corner, followed by its width and height. For example, the default setting is R:142,450,353,9.
  • LoadingText – Denotes the text displayed over the progress bar. As with all denoted text, underscores _ are used in place of spaces.

These properties control the folders for shared files:

  • SharedTextures – Recalls the location of the folder for textures that are shared between multiple different objects.
  • SharedObjects – Recalls the location of the folder for models that are shared between multiple different objects.

These properties control the buttons for the briefing and message panels at a 640x480 resolution. These properties can be copied and set to 800x600 and/or 1024x768.

  • NextButton640x480 – Recalls the location of the texture for the next button.
  • NextButtonPos640x480 – Sets the X and Y coordinates of the next button on the message panel.
  • BackButton640x480 – Recalls the location of the texture for the repeat message button. This button is only used on the message panel.
  • BackButtonPos640x480 – Sets the X and Y coordinates of the repeat message button on the message panel.
  • BackArrow – Recalls the location of the texture for the back arrow. This button is only used on the briefing panel.

These properties control wall pro-meshes:

  • WallProMeshes – Determines whether walls use pro-meshes in eye view and shoulder view. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. If disabled, walls will appear flat like in top view.
  • DynamicPM – Determines whether dynamic ProMeshes are used. what are dynamic meshes, changing this seems to do nothing
  • HPBlocksDetermines the distance meshes are used? no clue, the numbers don't match up

These properties control building upgrades:

  • BuildingUpgradeCostOre – Denotes how much Ore is needed to upgrade a building.
  • BuildingUpgradeCostStuds – Denotes how many Building Studs are needed to upgrade a building.

These properties control music and sound:

  • MusicOn – Determines whether the game starts with the soundtrack music turned on. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. By default, this property is set to false in Lego* {}, but appears again at the very end of the config file in the LegoRR {} "settings for the final version" section, where it is set to true.
  • SoundOn – Determines whether the game starts with sound turned on. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE
  • CDStartTrack – Denotes the track number on the CD to start playing the soundtrack from when the music is activated. By default, this is set to 2 because the first track of the LEGO Rock Raiders CD contains the game's installer data, AVI movies, DirectX installer data, and in some versions the instruction manual. If a different game's CD is used for the soundtrack, this property should remain unchanged; if a music CD is used for the soundtrack, it should be set to 1.
  • CDTracks – Denotes the number of music tracks on the CD to play.

These properties control Energy Crystal colors:

This property controls tool tip color:

  • ToolTipRGB – Denotes the RGB color of tool tips that display when mousing over objects and interface. Default color is dark green .

These properties control camera movement:

  • MinDist – Denotes the minimum distance in block units that the top view camera can zoom to. This property can be set to negative values, though zooming in that far makes it difficult to see anything or control the camera.
  • MaxDist – Denotes the maximum distance in block units that the top view camera can zoom to.
  • MinTilt – Denotes the minimum tilt in degrees (perpendicular to the ground; 0 points straight down and 90 points horizontally) that the camera can rotate to.
  • MaxTilt – Denotes the maximum tilt in degrees that the camera can rotate to.
  • CameraSpeed – Denotes the maximum speed that the top view camera can pan. unknown units[verify]
  • CameraAcceleration – Denotes how quickly the top view camera can accelerate when panned. unknown units[verify]
  • CameraDropOff – Denotes how quickly the top view camera can decelerate when panning stops. unknown units[verify]
  • MouseScrollBorder – Denotes how many pixels away from the edge of the game window the mouse pointer must be for the top view camera to start panning.
  • MouseScrollIndent – Denotes how close in blocks to the edge of the map the top view camera can pan. 1 is to the edge of the map, 0 is one block past the edge. Setting this property to a negative value will lock the camera, as will setting it to a value larger than half of a level's dimensions.

These properties control model rendering:

  • TVClipDist – Denotes the radius in block units that the world renders in top view.
  • FPClipBlocks – Denotes the radius in blocks that the world renders in eye view. Setting this value to approximately 18 or higher may cause the game to crash when looking down long tunnels.
  • HighPolyRange – Denotes the maximum range in block units within high polygon models are used.
  • MedPolyRange – Denotes the maximum range in block units within medium polygon models are used.

These properties control Dynamite and Sonic Blaster ranges:

  • DynamiteDamageRadius – Denotes the radius in block units within which objects are damaged by a Dynamite explosion.
  • DynamiteMaxDamage – Denotes the maximum amount of damage that a point-blank Dynamite explosion delivers to an object.
  • DynamiteWakeRadius – Denotes the radius in block units within which sleeping creatures will be woken up by a Dynamite explosion.
  • BirdScarerRadius – Denotes the radius in block units in which creatures will be scared by a Sonic Blaster. Setting this value very high can crash the game

These properties control opening sequences and logos:

  • DontPlayAvis – Determines whether or not FMV sequences are played. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE.
  • RRAvi – Recalls the name and path of the intro FMV sequence that plays when starting up the game.
  • LegoAvi – Recalls the name and path of the LEGO Media International FMV sequence that plays when starting up the game.
  • DDIAvi – Recalls the name and path of the Data Design Interactive FMV sequence that plays when starting up the game. Unused by default.
  • – Recalls the name and path of the Data Design Interactive image that displays when starting up the game.
  • DDILogoTime – Denotes the length of time in seconds that the DDILogo image displays.
  • – Recalls the name and path of the LEGO Media International image that displays when starting up the game. Unused by default.
  • LMILogoTime – Denotes the length of time in seconds that the LMILogo image displays. Unused by default.
  • Exclusive to the Japanese version of the game:
    • eidos – Recalls the name and path of the Eidos Interactive sequence that plays when starting up the game.
    • – Recalls the name and path of the Eidos Interactive image that displays when starting up the game.
    • EIDOSLogoTime – Denotes the length of time in seconds that the EidosLogo image displays.
    • – Recalls the name and path of the LEGO Media International image that displays when starting up the game. The image is identical to the unused LMILogo image.
    • LEGOLogoTime – Denotes the length of time in seconds that the LegoLogo image displays.

These properties control miscellaneous functions:

  • TextPauseTime – Denotes the length of time in seconds that text messages appear in-game on the message panel after the message's streamed sound has stopped playing.
  • DisplayAdvisor – Determines whether Chief's model is displayed. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE.
  • OnlyBuildOnPaths – Determines whether buildings need to be built next to Power Paths. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE, but seems to default to TRUE no matter what it's set to.[verify]

Dummy properties that are not defined in the executable, and thus do not work:

  • DumpFile – Was likely meant to recall the name and path of the dump file where the game would output crash logs.
  • DynamiteRadius – Was likely a generic radius for Dynamite effects that was replaced by more several more complex properties.

Dialog {}

Reward {}

Menu {}

HelpWindow {}

ToolTipInfo {}

ToolNames {}

SurfaceTypeDescriptions {}

ObjInfo {}

LightEffects {}

Pointers {}

InterfaceImages {}

InterfaceBuildImages {}

InterfaceSurroundImages {}

PriorityImages {}

PrioritiesImagePositions {}

MiscObjects {}

  • Boulder MiscAnims\Boulders\SmallBoulder
  • Pusher MiscAnims\Effects\RD_Push_Weap
  • Freezer MiscAnims\Effects\RD_Ice_weap
  • BoulderExplode MiscAnims\Effects\Rock_Explo
  • BoulderExplodeIce MiscAnims\Effects\Ice_Explo
  • LaserShot MiscAnims\Effects\RD_Laser_Weap
  • SmashPath MiscAnims\Effects\Concrete_Explo
  • Crystal MiscAnims\Crystal\VLP_GreenCrystal
  • Dynamite MiscAnims\Dynamite
  • Ore MiscAnims\Ore\Ore1st
  • ProcessedOre MiscAnims\Brick\2x2brick
  • Barrier MiscAnims\Barrier
  • Explosion MiscAnims\Effects\Mockup_explode3
  • ElectricFence Buildings\E-Fence\E-Fence4
  • ElectricFenceStud MiscAnims\Brick\SingleStud_ON
  • ShortElectricFenceBeam Buildings\E-Fence\EFbeam
  • LongElectricFenceBeam Buildings\E-Fence\EFlongbeam
  • SpiderWeb MiscAnims\SpiderWeb
  • PillarWorld\ProMeshes\pillar
  • RechargeSparkle MiscAnims\Effects\Recharge_Twinkle
  • MiniTeleportUpMini-Figures\Pilot\VLP_TelepUp
  • OohScary MiscAnims\BirdScarer
  • LazerHit MiscAnims\Effects\RD_Laser_Impact
  • PusherHit MiscAnims\Effects\RD_Pusher_Impact
  • FreezerHit MiscAnims\Effects\RD_Ice_weap_exp
  • IceCube MiscAnims\IceCube
  • PathDust MiscAnims\Effects\Pathdust
  • LavaErosionSmoke1 MiscAnims\Effects\Erode1
  • LavaErosionSmoke2 MiscAnims\Effects\Erode2
  • LavaErosionSmoke3 MiscAnims\Effects\Erode3
  • LavaErosionSmoke4 MiscAnims\Effects\Erode4
  • BirdScarer MiscAnims\BirdScarer\Boom
  • UpgradeEffect MiscAnims\Effects\UPGRADE_SPARKS

Bubbles {}

PanelRotationControl {}

Panels640x480 {}

Buttons640x480 {}

TextMessages {}

TextMessagesWithImages {}

Samples {}

InfoMessages {}

ToolTips {}

UpgradeNames {}

ToolTipIcons {}

ToolTipsSFXs {}

Textures {}

ObjectNames {}

ObjectTheNames {}

VehicleTypes {}

MiniFigureTypes {}

RockMonsterTypes {}

BuildingTypes {}

UpgradeTypes {}

Encyclopedia {}

Stats {}

These properties affect objects being shot at by Rock Raiders armed with beam weapons. The following properties affect weapons being used against objects:

  • CanBeShotAt – Determines whether an object can be shot at by armed Rock Raiders when Action Stations is activated. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. Giving this property to non-monsters will cause them to take damage when hit by friendly fire, but they will not be intentionally targeted.
  • CanFreeze – Determines whether an object can be damaged and frozen by a Freezer Beam. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. Non-monsters with this property will take damage, but will not freeze.
  • FreezerTime – Denotes the amount of time in seconds an object will remain frozen after being hit by a Freezer Beam. Setting this value to 0 or a negative number will have no effect.
  • FreezerDamage – Denotes the amount of damage being shot by a Freezer Beam will do to an object. Values of 100 or higher will instantly kill objects that haven't been given extra health. Values of negative numbers will add that amount of health to an object.
  • CanLaser – Determines whether an object can be damaged by a Laser Beam. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE.
  • LaserDamage – Denotes the amount of damage being shot by a Laser Beam will do to an object. Values of 100 or higher will instantly kill objects that haven't been given extra health. Values of negative numbers will add that amount of health to an object.
  • CanPush – Determines whether an object can be damaged and pushed by a Pusher Beam. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. Non-monsters with this property will take damage, but will not get pushed.
  • PusherDist – Denotes the distance in block units an object shot by a Pusher Beam will be pushed. Setting this value to 0 or a negative number will have no effect.
  • PusherDamage – Denotes the amount of damage being shot by a Pusher Beam will do to an object. Values of 100 or higher will instantly kill objects that haven't been given extra health. Values of negative numbers will add that amount of health to an object.

ObjTtSFXs {}

Advisor {}

AdvisorPositions640x480 {}

WeaponTypes {}


  • DefaultDamage – Denotes the default amount of damage a weapon will do to any objects that do not have their own damage values defined in that section. Leaving this property out of a section will cause it to do no damage to any objects without separately-defined damage values.
  • RechargeTime – Denotes the amount of time a weapon needs to recharge before it can be used again. 25 specifies one second.
  • WeaponRange – Denotes the distance in distance units a weapon can hit objects from.

Otherwise, all entries in a section must be the names of existing objects.


  • Boulder {} – Denotes the amount of damage a boulder will do to an object it hits.
  • FenceSpark {} – Denotes the amount of damage an Electric Fence will do to objects with the CanBeHitByFence property. However, no matter what its damage values are defined as, it will instantly kill anything it hits. Additionally, its RechargeTime value seems to be per each electrified block, rather than for the entire network.
  • RockFallIn {} – Denotes the amount of damage being caught in a landslide will do to an object. A value of 0.98 seems to deal about 50 HP damage. Values of negative numbers will add that amount of health to an object. Separate values must be defined for each level an object has, with colons separating the values (by default, some objects become more resistant to landslides as they get upgraded).
  • SpiderWeb {} – Denotes the amount of damage an object getting caught in a spider web will do to the web (commented as a "special case"). Values of 100 or higher will essentially instantly destroy the web. Values of 0 or lower will not damage it.

Dependencies {}

Levels {}



  • FullName – Denotes the level's name. Underscores _ are used in place of spaces.
  • DisableStartTeleport – Determines whether buildings will teleport in at the start of a level. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. By default, levels that start with just a Tool Store will often lack this property, while levels that start with multiple buildings will often have it.
  • DisableEndTeleport – Determines whether units will teleport back to the LMS Explorer at the end of a level before Chief gives his mission complete/failed speech.

These properties control level shape:

  • BlockSize – Denotes the size of blocks in distance units. Default value for all levels is 40, which is equivalent to a 16x16 stud LEGO plate.
  • DigDepth – Denotes the height of walls in distance units. Default value for all levels is 40.
  • RoughLevel – Denotes how much the terrain height is adjusted by each integer in the Surface map in distance units. Default value for all levels is 6.
  • RoofHeight – Denotes the height of the ceiling above the tops of the walls in distance units. Default value for all levels is 40.
  • UseRoof – Determines whether a level uses a cavern ceiling. However, setting this to anything other than YES or TRUE causes the level to crash, and removing the property does not change anything, making it completely pointless.

These properties control creatures:

  • EmergeCreature – Denotes the creature that will emerge through the Emerge map.
  • EmergeTimeOut – Denotes the amount of time before an emerge trigger can be reused in time units. 25 specifies one second.
  • Slug – Denotes the creature that will emerge from Slimy Slug Holes. If not defined, the Slimy Slug will be used by default.[verify] This does not seem to work on Rock Hard for some reason, which continues to use only Slugs, while Back To Basics will use a mix of slugs and whatever this value is set to - meanwhile, removing the Slug creature entirely causes Back To Basics to crash, but Rock Hard loads fine and just doesn't generate slugs no matter what this property is set to. Need to figure out if this is an NPL thing or what.
  • SlugTime – ?????[verify]
  • InitialSlugTime – ?????[verify]