Debug mode

From RRU Knowledge Base

Debug keys are special keyboard shortcuts in video games that allow the game programmers to test things quickly in-game.

LEGO Island

Debug keys in LEGO Island can be activated by typing 'ogel' during gameplay. Once activated, you can press the keys below to use debugging features:

Key Effect
A Plays the diving cutscene from the second floor of the Information Center elevator
C + 00-69 Moves the viewpoint to a scene for a single frame (unless in an interaction that locks the camera). For a complete list of scenes, see here.
D Temporarily lowers the viewpoint; walking into any barriers will reset the viewpoint level
F Switches model quality to low
G + 1
  • If this debug key is used before the Brickster has escaped, the game will crash.
  • If used after the Brickster has escaped but before the ambulance chase, the music cuts off and a skateboard will spawn at scene 50. The player must get to the skateboard quickly (somewhere between 16 and 23 seconds) or else the game will crash.
    During this time the player gains the ability to fly and pass through walls. Pressing J and K tilts the camera along the X-axis, while I and M tilts the camera along the Y-axis.
    Once the player has gotten on the skateboard, the island resets back to normal. However, getting off the skateboard prevents the player from moving, and attempting to accept any missions will crash the game.
  • If used during the ambulance chase, the same as above will happen, except the skateboard will spawn in front of the post office, where it first spawns during normal gameplay before the player first uses it.
  • If used during the brick hunt, the game will crash.
  • If used during the helicopter chase, the skateboard spawns at scene 50 and the player again gains flight intangibility; however, the game will not crash after any length of time until the player attempts to get on the skateboard.
G + 2-5 Skips the game's current act to a point within the Brickster quest:
  • 2: Brickster escape
  • 3: Helicopter chase
  • 4: Good ending
  • 5: Bad ending
H Switches model quality to high
L + 0 or 1 Changes lighting based on current camera orientation
N Toggles the viewpoint being locked at the current position. Player movement is still possible while locked.
P Toggles scenery objects (plants and streetlights) on or off
S Toggles music on or off. When toggling off, music stops automatically; when toggling on, entering or leaving a building is needed to re-enable.
U Temporarily raises the viewpoint; walking into any barriers will reset the viewpoint level
V + A Automatically moves the player to and plays each interaction in an act or location in a pre-defined order
X Switches model quality to normal
Tab Shows the game's frame rate.
Number pad / Switches the players character to the Brickster. Clicking on scenery objects and non-enterable buildings causes them to deconstruct. Clicking on the pizzeria will crash the game. Note that this will persist in the save file it's used on.
Number pad * Switches the player to the next playable character from the one they were playing as. In order: Pepper, Mama, Papa, Laura, Nick, and then back to Pepper.

To do: Write something about +/- keys even though they aren't activated by ogel

LEGO Rock Raiders

Debug keys in the Windows version of LEGO Rock Raiders can be used during a level...

The quickest way to enable debug mode is to run the game using the -programmer parameter option. The -debug parameter only enables some - if any - of the debug keys (find out which).

Debug Mode can also be activated by editing the Lego.cfg file. This method reliable activates all available debug keys.

1. Extract LegoRR1.wad.

2. Open Lego.cfg.

3. Go to line 115.

4. Change AllowDebugKeys FALSE to AllowDebugKeys TRUE.

5. Save, and rebuild LegoRR1.wad.

Below is a list of Debug keys discovered by Rock Raiders United.

To do: Verify, possibly remove non-debug entries

Key Effect
F6 Toggles fallin mode on or off. When off, landslides will only occur at areas specified in the fallin map
F11 Disables all building and vehicle prerequisites
F12 Disables NERPS mission objectives
Shift + A Tells a Rock Raider to get get a Sonic Blaster from the Tool Store and place it at mousepoint (triggers landslide at mousepoint)
Left Ctrl + D Instantly fails level
Left Ctrl + F Toggle frame rate monitor on or off
Left Ctrl + G Toggle memory monitor on or off
Left Ctrl + S Instantly completes level (toggles sound)
Right Ctrl + S Instantly fails level with the unused crystal failure reason "Too many Energy Crystals have been stolen for you to be able to complete this mission." (toggles sound)
Left Shift + U Triggers Advisor_Anim_Point_N
Right Shift + U Will end a looping advisor animation if one is playing
Spacebar + Esc Quits the game when in a level
1 Primary selected Rock Raider goes to eye view (menu doesn't change.)
2 Primary selected Rock Raider goes to shoulder view (menu doesn't change.)
3 Primary selected Rock Raider goes to top view (menu doesn't change.)
4 Primary selected unit will be selected by the radar for tracking
5 Makes cursor light grow/shrink. If a unit that changes its model when upgraded selected, it will change the first number in the upgrade code. This will change the model, but it does not appear to grant it that upgrade
6 Affects the cursor light in some way. If a unit that changes its model when upgraded selected, it will change the second number in the upgrade code. This will change the model, but it does not appear to grant it that upgrade
7 If a unit that changes its model when upgraded selected, it will change the third number in the upgrade code. This will change the model, but it does not appear to grant it that upgrade
8 If a unit that changes its model when upgraded selected, it will change the fourth number in the upgrade code. This will change the model, but it does not appear to grant it that upgrade
9 Decrease 3D sound fall off
0 Add 3D sound fall off
A Creates a landslide at mousepoint. This key is also known to generate materials from the Cryore map. The modifier must switch between blocks very fast and tap "A" repeatedly. This also happens in front of a Crystal/Ore seam. (?)
B Pushes any Rock Raider or Monster at mousepoint east-northeast (one half-tile to the map's absolute top per every one tile to the absolute right)
E Makes a monster emerge from any wall at mousepoint except Solid Rock
F Take 40 health points off all units selected
H Creates a spider web at mousepoint on any single tile with two walls non-diagonally adjacent to it and across from each other
J Creates an at mousepoint (same placement rules as normal Electric Fences)
L Instantly exits the level to the results screen
M Toggles music on or off
O Decreases oxygen level at a rate of 50% per second[Verify and find equivelent coef]
R Rotates the cursor light[Needs further verification]
S Toggles sound on or off
Y Triggers the CrystalFound InfoMessage; clicking this message's go to button points to the northwest corner of the map at (5,5), although no crystal has actually been created
Z Shakes the screen like when dynamite explodes when in top view.
Makes the primary selected Rock Raider eat while in any view.
Num 3 Destroys connections between any walls at mousepoint, except border rock. Walls exposed this way show as shades of pink on the radar instead of purple.
Num 7 Sets game speed to the maximum of 300% (note that changing the game speed through the menu only allows up to 250% speed to be set)
Num 8 Decreases game speed
Num 9 Increases game speed
End Toggles power to the currently selected building on or off. Using this on a Tool Store or Power Station toggles the "Turn Power Off/On" button from being grey and unusable to being usable, as these buildings normally can't be turned off.
Num Delete Destroys any walls at mousepoint, except border rock
Non-Debug Keys
Esc Brings up pause menu
P Brings up the pause menu
X Strafes right in eye or shoulder view of any unit that can strafe
Z Strafes left in eye or shoulder view of any unit that can strafe (if debug keys are enabled, a Rock Raider will eat instead)