High Flyer

From RRU Knowledge Base

This article is an unfinished work in progress or contains transferred information that needs to be rewritten or reformatted to fit our standards. Please excuse the mess and do not mark for deletion.

Also see: Playstation Game Levels


Our scientists have detected unusual Energy Crystals near an underground lake, and they need you to bring them back to the ship for analysis. Collect as many Crystals as possible, then return to the Teleport Pad. Many of the Energy Crystals are unreachable on foot, but we need Ore before we can build a flying vehicle. Take any Ore you find to the Teleport Station, and I'll beam down a Tunnel Scout to help you.



Icy Terrain



Too bad, Rock Raider! Your shield ran out, so I had to beam you back to the ship.


Great flying, Rock Raider! Our scientists are now hard at work analyzing those Energy Crystals. I wonder what mysteries they hold?


  • Bronze - 8 Energy Crystals
  • Silver - 8 Energy Crystals, 2 Red Energy Crystals
  • Gold - 8 Energy Crystals, 4 Red Energy Crystals

2 player

Also see: Playstation Game Levels


Our scientists have detected unusual Energy Crystals around an underground lake, and I need you to bring them back to the ship for analysis. Collect as many Energy Crystals as possible, then return to the Teleport Pad. Most of the Energy Crystals are unreachable on foot, but we need Ore before we can build a flying vehicle. Take any Ore you find to the Teleport Station, and I'll beam down a Tunnel Scout to help you.



Rocky Terrain


Bad luck! Your shields ran out, so I had to beam you back to the ship.


Great job! Our scientists are now hard at work analyzing those Energy Crystals. I wonder what mysteries they hold?


  • Bronze - 8 Energy Crystals
  • Silver - 8 Energy Crystals, 2 Red Energy Crystals
  • Gold - 8 Energy Crystals, 4 Red Energy Crystals