Crystal Crazy

From RRU Knowledge Base
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Also see: Playstation Game Levels


At last it looks like our luck is changing, Rock Raider! A deep survey team has found a cave packed to the roof with precious Energy Crystals! You job is to collect the Energy Crystals so we can put the next phase of our plan to get home into operation. I should warn you that it's not all good news - the cavern is full of alien lifeforms. One of the team members claims he even saw a giant Ice Monster down there but don't worry - I'm sure he was mistaken...



Icy Terrain


  • None


Phew! That was too close, Rock Raider! Your shield was gone!


Wonderful! I know things got a little hairy down there, Rock Raider, but you did it! We've now got enough Energy Crystals to begin exploring deeper into the planet's core.


  • Bronze - 10 Energy Crystals
  • Silver - 10 Energy Crystals, 2 Red Energy Crystals
  • Gold - 10 Energy Crystals, 4 Red Energy Crystals

2 player

Also see: Playstation Game Levels


A deep survey team has just found a cavern packed to the roof with precious Energy Crystals! Your job is to collect the Energy Crystals so we can put the next phase of our plan to get home into operation. I should warn you that it's not all good news - the cavern is full of alien lifeforms. One of the team members even claims he saw a giant Ice Monster but don't worry - I'm sure he was mistaken...



Icy Terrain


Phew! That was too close! Your shields were gone!


Wonderful! I know things got a little hairy down there, but you did it! We've now got enough Energy Crystals to begin expolring deeper into the planet's core.


  • Bronze - 10 Energy Crystals
  • Silver - 10 Energy Crystals, 2 Red Energy Crystals
  • Gold - 10 Energy Crystals, 4 Red Energy Crystals